The Guardian Tree

This is the second full audio drama created by Ignited Productions. It’s been several years in the making, but finally ready to be released. A special thank you to the many volunteers who made this happen. Due to the length it has been split into four episodes (to be released). Enjoy!

Arovae is under attack by the hostile and powerful Cacumen. Two sisters believe that a special tree might have been protecting their village, but it’s now dead. They go looking for a new seed to save their home and family, meeting up with several interesting characters along the way. Will they be able to overcome the odds and make it home safely with the seed that can save their home?


Directed and Produced by: Eliana Vanlochem

Written by: N. J. Matthews, Rachel Van Hoffen, Emily Martin, Amanda May

Music Composed by: Levi  Matthews, Hope Strayer

Cover Design by: Levi Matthews


Arrol –N. J. Matthews

Izara-Rachel Van Hoffen

Kelia- Eden Grace

Trowan-Gabriel Bannister

Aria- Eloise Bronte

Felan-Daniel J. Peragine

Gwen-Holly Stratford

Boo- Brent High

The Supreme Commander General –  Jesse High

The Father –Kurt Fisher

Brother Welsen- Logan M.

Brother Noren- Levi Matthews

Background Characters- Myla Vanlochem, Marcel Vanlochem

The Guardian Tree © 2024 by Ignited Productions is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0